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A chronic problem is like the 'story of my life' problem that keeps repeating itself no matter how hard you try, or how much you want it to change. Immersion is a commitment to oneself and resolving the chronic patterns, limiting core beliefs and long-term issues that limit you. 

Chronic problems are often in the areas of:

  • Relationship - same issue but different intimate partner, boss, co-worker etc.

  • Ongoing money issues - problems either generating or spending

  • Time - never enough or always late

  • Self-sabotage or hitting glass ceilings in your personal or professional life

  • Any other pattern that you can't seem to shake.

This IS a good fit when:

  • You’re feeling stuck, blocked, or want to forward a project

  • You're ready to stop negative self-talk, nagging thoughts, and regret

  • You’re processing life events, trauma, depression, loss, or grief

  • You want to resolve an unsettled issue within yourself, with another, or a group of others

During our work together we will track your progress setting you on a path forward. 


Immersion Includes:

  • Initial Intake

  • Weekly 90-min 1:1 sessions

  • Weekly Action Projects

  • Email support between sessions

"Sara's guidance over three transformative months helped me unravel the stories I'd carried for too long. I shed the belief of being too much or not enough, realizing I am just me—no need to prove myself. With Sara's support, I embraced authenticity, letting go of the emotional charge tied to old narratives. Now, I live comfortably as myself, with less trigger, and more peace. Grateful to Sara for creating the space to dissolve the charge and reshape my story."

A Hill, Langley

"Sara's guidance over three transformative months helped me unravel the stories I'd carried for too long. I shed the belief of being too much or not enough, realizing I am just me—no need to prove myself. With Sara's support, I embraced authenticity, letting go of the emotional charge tied to old narratives. Now, I live comfortably as myself, with less trigger, and more peace. Grateful to Sara for creating the space to dissolve the charge and reshape my story."

Dr. Tina, California

Working with Sara has allowed me to unravel and dissolve my great problem that men are privileged, have power, and I do not. Through her deep listening, understanding, intuition, Sara guided me to express and discharge tons of confusion, helpless and unworthy attitudes that blocked me from experiencing my equality with men in working relationships in particular. My sessions with Sara have changed my attitudes toward myself and others. Her work makes a huge difference in my life. I am stronger and more responsible for my own authority.

Merce, USA

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